Every year, more than 150,000 people are injured in accidents involving large trucks and, tragically, nearly 5,000 people lose their lives due to these types of incidents. As trucks weigh considerably more than average cars, they can cause serious damage to other vehicles and their occupants.
In addition to this, the added weight increases the stopping distance of a truck, which may make it more difficult for truck drivers to avoid accidents. If you want to be prepared for any type of road incident, it’s important to know what to do if a truck accident occurs. If you’re involved in this type of accident, you should always:
1. Exit Your Vehicle Safely
Remaining in a vehicle following a collision can be dangerous.So, if you’re able to, you should leave your vehicle and move to a safe location. If possible, turn the ignition off in the process. If the accident was relatively minor and you aren’t seriously hurt, you may be able to move your vehicle to a safe location before exiting it. However, if the car isn’t in a safe condition or if you have been hurt, don’t attempt to move the vehicle.
2. Contact Emergency Services
If you’re able to do so, dial 911 and request emergency assistance. If anyone has sustained injuries in the accident, EMTs and paramedics will attend the scene to provide medical help. When truck accidents occur, police will usually attend as well. They can ensure that the highway is made safe for other road users, provide immediate medical attention, and begin investigating the cause of the accident.
3. Seek Medical Attention
Even if you don’t think you’ve been seriously hurt, it’s still important to access medical help. If you don’t need urgent medical assistance at the scene of the accident, you should visit the Emergency Room so that you can be checked over by a medical professional. Some injuries are not apparent straight away, but this doesn’t mean that they’re not serious. By getting medical assistance, you can ensure that any injuries are fully diagnosed.
4. Get Legal Advice
A truck accident can affect your life in many ways but getting legal advice can help to minimize the impact it has. If you weren’t at fault, for example, personal injury lawyers, such as Horst Shewmaker, could help you to claim compensation. As well as claiming compensation for any injuries you sustained, your legal team can also help to ensure that you’re compensated for any income you’ve lost or any costs you’ve incurred because of the accident.
Dealing with the Aftermath of a Truck Accident
It’s not unusual for people to experience shock after being involved in any type of road traffic accidents. However, the severity of a truck accident can increase the emotional effects that the accident has, which is why it’s important to seek help, if you need to. Take time to process what’s happened and lean on the people around you for support as you begin to recover from an unexpected truck accident.